At Action Assist, we supply a range of memory foam and profiling mattresses that compliment our entire bed range. Our mattresses can be supplied with your desired specialist bed, or as a stand alone product should you wish to change your mattress after initial installation. All of our mattresses are manufactured in Great Britain.

Galaxy 2000 mattress:

The Galaxy 2000’s new patented design uses circular air cells that cannot topple, combined with a foam under-layer which has built-in hip and knee area hinges.
The foam under-layer provides fail-safe security against mains electricity blackouts and incorrect pressure settings. The under-layer also provides stability when manoeuvring or getting out of bed.


  • Waterproof and vapour-permeable, two-way stretch, loose fitting cover for optimal patient comfort
  • Portable – making it easier to use in any environment
  • Clear user friendly instructions permanently attached to the foot end of the mattress
  • The 50 density memory foam offers firmer than average support as well as having the ability to mould to an individual body shape.]
  • Cleanable cover – can be sponged down or unzipped fpr full laundering
  • Low maintenance requirements and low lifetime costs
  • Optional digital pump with Static mode and audio alarms

Mattress sizes:

  • Standard : 2040 x 860 x 205mm (G2000 A ) – 36” wide 
  • Wide : 2040 x 1070 x 205mm (G2000 B ) – 42” wide
  • Extra Wide : 2040 x 1223 x 205mm (G2000 C ) – 48” wide
  • Double Width: 2040 x 1370 x 205mm (G2000 D ) – 54” wide
Please contact Action Assist on 01977 689400 about our range of mattresses.